General medicine (3)

This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

-44 year old female came to OPD with the complaint of giddiness on the same day of morning at 5:00(5am) complaints of vomitings.

October -18 ,2022.
44 year old female came to OPD with the complaint of giddiness on the same day of morning at 5:00(5am) complaints of vomitings.

Chief complaints:
Patients complaints of giddiness, vomiting and there is no headache, blurring of vision and nausea suspected.
History of present illness:
-No loss of consciousness
-patient had 2 episodes of vomitings in the morning of 16th October
-no bleed and mucus seen in vomiting
-no nausea, headache,and blurring of vision.
-no slurring of specch and no deviation of mouth
History of past Illness:
-k/c/o: hypertension since 4 years
-n/k/c/o: diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, epilepsy,asthma, coronary artery disease
Treatment history:
No diabetes,htn since 4 years 
Treatment with.. Tab: telma 40mg
No cad, asthma, TB
No known history of taking antibiotics, radiation chemotherapy,blood transfusion,and any surgeries.
Personal history:
-occupation: daily labour.. stopped working four years ago
-non vegetarian
Bowel and bladder: regular
-micturition: normal
-no known allergies
-habbits: patient is having habit of consuming toddy occasionally
-no history of smoking, tobacco consuming,drugs,betel nuts and betel leaves
Family history:
No other family member has similar complaints
Menstrual history: age of menarche?
Menstrual cycles: duration of cycles by no of days bleedings?
Any gynaecology probs?
Physical examination:
-no pallor
-no cyanosis
-no icterus
-no clubbing of fingers
-no edema of feet
-no lymphadenopathy
-no malnutrition
-no dehydration
Respiratory rate:16/min
Pulse rate:73/min
Systemic examination:o
Cardiovascular system: no thrills,no cardiac murmurs
Cardiac sounds- s1,s2 positive
Respiratory system: 
-no dyspnea
-no wheeze
-position of trachea-central
-breath sounds- vesicular
Shape of abdomen-scalloped
Non tender
No palpable mass
Hernial orifice normal
Liver and spleen not palpable
No bowel sounds
Central nervous system:
Level of consciousness-conscious
Speech- normal
Signs of meningial irritation-a)neck stiffness
b) no kernigs sign
Provisional diagnosis:
Bppv(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)
Mri brain
Carotid Doppler

telma 40 mg
 Vertin 16mg

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